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Water healing

Do you wish to let go? How are you at receiving?
Would you like to dis­cov­er the water ele­ment with­in your­self? Go with the flow? Sur­ren­der. Give space to your feel­ings and emotions ~

A waters­es­sion is body­work in warm water. Aquat­ic Body­work is a com­bi­na­tion of mas­sage tech­niques, flu­id move­ment and med­i­ta­tion in 35 degree warm water. I call it water­heal­ing because heal­ing can take place dur­ing the con­nec­tion body and mind connection.

You are invit­ed to receive, just receive. The stretch­es and move­ments I make while mov­ing you through the water have their ori­gins in Shi­at­su, forms of nature and sea life.

They pro­vide stretch­ing, gen­tle touch, allow­ing the feel­ing of weight­less­ness and encour­ag­ing spinal relax­ation and ener­gy renew­al through­out the body. The water pro­vides warmth, secu­ri­ty, and flu­id­i­ty so that men­tal and phys­i­cal relax­ation can be increased and flow can be experienced.

The inten­tion­al vari­ety of dynam­ic move­ment and con­trast­ing moments of still­ness cre­ate the right flow so that relax­ation, aware­ness and heal­ing can take place.

How does it work?

We all have a rela­tion­ship with water and our own past expe­ri­ence in the womb. Water can hold us. Dur­ing a ses­sion, you can be held and received by the water and the facil­i­ta­tor. The facil­i­ta­tor stays ground­ed, enabling you to enter into a state of recep­tive­ness and deep relax­ation. This is where heal­ing can take place. The water is calm­ing and peace­ful, invit­ing silence. Aware­ness is height­ened for an inner journey.

Your body is moved through the water with flu­id­i­ty. The water cleans­es and car­ries away that which you no longer need. There is more space for flow to arise in your body and being.

Water gives us clar­i­ty and insight. Water opens the sens­es. Water is soft and loving.


I work with dif­fer­ent Aquat­ic Body­work tech­niques. Heal­ing Dance devel­oped by Alexan­der George en Water­dance by Arjana Brun­schwiler. The use of these water tech­niques ensure that the receiv­er will be guid­ed safe­ly and with sen­si­tiv­i­ty dur­ing sur­face and under­wa­ter ses­sions. All of water work tech­niques stem from the orig­i­nal Wat­su — Shi­at­su under­wa­ter. This was devel­oped in Cal­i­for­nia in 1980 when body­work, ther­a­pie en zen med­i­ta­tion came togeth­er in warm water.

It is the secu­ri­ty cre­at­ed by the water and the facil­i­ta­tor togeth­er that makes it so effective.

Yin and Yang

Heal­ing dance en Water­dance work with Yin en Yang ener­gy. Ses­sions are safe, calm­ing, secure, har­bour­ing and soft with fem­i­nine qual­i­ties. And also play­ful, full of new dis­cov­ery, free­dom, inde­pen­dence and mas­cu­line like. The bal­ance of these dif­fer­ent ener­gies dur­ing a ses­sion is intu­itive­ly deter­mined by what the receiv­er needs at each moment to encour­age more bal­ance inside.

Water also helps us to con­nect to dif­fer­ent ener­gies rep­re­sent­ed by the many water species, such as play­ful­ness that we learn from dol­phins, or the deep breath­ing reminder from whales. A water ses­sion can remind us of dif­fer­ent states of our own evo­lu­tion, going back in time.

While being moved through the water, in wav­ing or a spi­ralling forms, stretch­es and move­ment encour­age us to let go of our fixed form, to release and re-adapt to our own orig­i­nal flow.

Images: Alexan­der George, Louise Tuin

Louise as Aquatic Bodyworker

I feel a pro­found con­nec­tion to water. I feel safe and at home in the water.

I am grate­ful for my pos­i­tive expe­ri­ences with water while grow­ing up in Sau­di Ara­bia. I was always in the swim­ming pool, with the swim team or play­ing with friends; feel­ing free and pro­tect­ed at the same time. Week­ends were usu­al­ly spent on the beach in a shel­tered bay of the Ara­bi­an Gulf with my fam­i­ly. We played and sailed in the warm waters which were fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed by pods of por­pois­es and oth­er local marine life.

I feel trust from the water, and this is passed on to receivers through my water ses­sions. The ses­sions feel safe and secure, flu­id, play­ful and expansive.

The com­fort and respect I have devel­oped with water, has been fur­ther enriched by a lov­ing pres­ence which I learn and con­tin­ue to prac­tice through med­i­ta­tion, yoga, aware­ness, dance and the water cours­es I follow.

Practical information

I give ses­sions of 45 min, 55, 90 or two hours in the water. Ses­sions are in Cen­tre du Lac Pij­nack­er. An entry pass to the sauna is not required.

A water ses­sion is 80, 90, 110, or 145 euro depend­ing on the time booked. Plan for a longer ses­sion if you would like more more time for under­wa­ter sub­mer­sions, a rit­u­al or a duo session.


Water helps you to feel lighter, replac­ing your body weight. Treat your­self with pos­i­tive feel­ings of light­ness, flex­i­bil­i­ty and flu­id­i­ty. Water clears and cleans­es so that clar­i­ty can be experienced.

Water­heal­ing is phys­io­ther­a­peu­tic. Mus­cle ten­sion is released, and move­ment is brought to the right places. The calm­ing effect of the water and the silence helps to devel­op body aware­ness. Ten­sion in the spine can be released by the weight­less­ness in the water, you can expe­ri­ence more length and align­ment and cir­cu­la­tion is pos­i­tive­ly affected.

Water is caress­ing, and har­bour­ing, enabling the body to relax more deeply. Dur­ing deep relax­ation of body and mind, an alpha or theta state can be reached where spir­i­tu­al heal­ing can hap­pen. The dance in the water becomes a jour­ney, guid­ed by the water ele­ment. The receiv­er gets all the space for their experience.