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Private sessions

Do you feel restrict­ed in your move­ment? Do you suf­fer from habit­u­al­ly poor pos­ture? Do you expe­ri­ence ten­sion block­ages or oth­er con­straints? Are you inter­est­ed in your body mind connection?

Yoga can sup­port you to make the right changes. An indi­vid­ual ses­sion is cus­tomised so that you can expe­ri­ence ten­sion release and more vital­i­ty in your body.

Do you suf­fer from an injury or long term pain in your back, shoul­ders, or hips? How do you deal with stress, rest­less­ness or boredom?

Dur­ing a pri­vate ses­sion we take the time to explore move­ment and your lim­i­ta­tions. You may or may not already know what is relat­ed to your com­plaint; phys­i­cal­ly, men­tal­ly and/or emo­tion­al­ly. It doesn’t always mat­ter, the exer­cis­es pro­vide relief and more ener­gy flow. We look for exer­cis­es that sup­port you, and your prac­tice may also be con­tin­ued at home by using video yoga classes.

A pri­vate yoga ses­sion can also be used to deter­mine if a group class is suit­able for you. We use crit­i­cal align­ment yoga with your intu­ition and mine.

Fol­low­ing a short intake we pro­ceed with a relax­ation exer­cise using the crit­i­cal align­ment tools. A safe space is cre­at­ed so that relax­ation and move­ment can be increased.

Some­thing new and unex­pect­ed always aris­es, espe­cial­ly dur­ing an indi­vid­ual ses­sion. This gives the right momen­tum to move from ten­sion into more relax­ation and a wider range of movement.

‘I feel air, I feel lighter, like this whole area of my low­er back and hips got some air.’ 


‘The key­word for me is soft­ness. Because of these class­es, I often make myself aware to soft­en my body; eyes, face, the breath.’ 


‘At first I was inter­est­ed in the dif­fer­ence between ‘nor­mal’ yoga and crit­i­cal align­ment yoga. I noticed the dif­fer­ence in the first ses­sion. I like how Louise explained what the pos­es do for you. She talks you through the whole class in a pleas­ant way, sug­ges­tive­ly invit­ing you to notice the move­ments and com­plete pos­tures. The pain in my back is now con­sid­er­ably less.’ 


‘Louise’s CAY class­es are won­der­ful­ly relax­ing because of her voice and easy to fol­low with her patient step by step instruc­tions. You become more aware of your body and the ten­sion that you hold through­out the day. I rec­om­mend it to any­one want­i­ng to work on pos­ture and strength.’ 


‘I haven’t had my upper back manip­u­lat­ed by a chi­ro­prac­tor for six months now!’ 


Yoga on Demand

In com­bi­na­tion with pri­vate ses­sions, you can have access to Yoga on Demand: video classes.

A yoga video, catered to your needs, makes it feel personal.

Dur­ing a CA video class your atten­tion is with your­self whilst guid­ed by my voice. A pleas­ant voice with pre­cise guid­ance is very effec­tive when prac­tis­ing at home.

A video class is 10 euro per video. You receive a mes­sage with a link. It stays active for as long as you need, flex­i­bil­i­ty is guaranteed.

It takes some dis­ci­pline, but the rewards are imme­di­ate. All the advan­tages of Crit­i­cal Align­ment yoga, in your home. Yoga on Demand.

Take a video class!

Practical information


A pri­vate ses­sion is 65 euro per hour, by appoint­ment. The loca­tion is Delft­st­ede, stu­dio 110 in Delft, or by zoom.

Schedule an appointment

For pri­vate ses­sions you can send an e‑mailor what­sapp. I look for­ward to meet­ing you.

Water Healing

A water~session could also be part of your jour­ney to more move­ment. See the page water heal­ing for more information.
