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Group classes

Yoga with Louise is crit­i­cal align­ment yoga. A unique form of yoga, where the key is : relax­ation before movement.

With the help of spe­cial­ly designed crit­i­cal align­ment tools, the class begins with a tar­get­ed relax­ation exer­cise. The process of relax­ation is expe­ri­enced by bring­ing aware­ness to your­self. Sur­face mus­cle ten­sion and deep­er ten­sion with­in the spine can be released.

Due to relax­ation, move­ment can be expe­ri­enced more freely. Then yoga pos­tures are used to build strength, coor­di­na­tion, resilience, sta­mi­na and energy.

Louise speaks native Eng­lish, mak­ing her pre­cise instruc­tions easy to fol­low and under­stand. It helps to stay relaxed and feel your way into your body and pos­tures as she explains.

Class­es are med­i­ta­tive – all is expe­ri­enced with aware­ness – and fun, to allow ener­gy and relax­ation to flow. Breath aware­ness is empha­sised as the key to phys­i­cal and men­tal relaxation.

Yoga time!


Mon­day: 18:00 – 19:15 (Eng­lish)~ 19:30 – 20:45
Tues­day : 09:00 – 10:15
Thurs­day: 20:00 – 21:15 (Eng­lish)
Sat­ur­day: XL Class or Workshop

See the cur­rent schedule


  • an hour of healthy atten­tion giv­en to yourself
  • prac­tis­ing yoga in a group is good for your health
  • you may expe­ri­ence phys­i­cal changes: 
    • more space and open­ness in your upper chest and heart area
    • sta­bil­i­ty in the low­er back and core region
    • relax­ation in the neck and shoulders
  • your pos­ture and atti­tude to life is encour­aged to let in soft­ness and space
Critical alignment bovenrug oefening rolletje en stripje Louise Tuin
Critical Alignment Yoga draai Louise Tuin
Critical Alignment Yoga Ruimte Delftstede Delft

Practical information


Crit­i­cal Align­ment Yoga in Delft, Delft­st­ede. In a pleas­ant space – for per­son­al relax­ation – prac­tised in a group. The group size is small for per­son­al atten­tion, max 8 in the stu­dio in Delft.


Class­es vary and are based on a par­tic­u­lar pos­ture or theme: low­er back, upper back, shoul­ders, etc. Dif­fer­ent tools are used — the strip, roll, block, back ben­der and headstander.

All class­es are 75 min­utes. You can sign up per class.

A tri­al class is offered as two class­es for 15 euro. Tak­ing two class­es in a short peri­od of time allows the chance to expe­ri­ence CA yoga.


Class rates vary accord­ing to the type of yoga pass you choose :

  • Sin­gle class – 16 euros
  • 4 Class Pass – 60 euros (valid for 2 months)
  • 10 Class Pass  – 144 euros (valid for 3 months)
  • Mem­ber­ship  1 class p/w — 52 euros per month
  • Mem­ber­ship 2 class p/w — 88 euros per month

Stu­dents have 25% discount*

Sign up

You can sign up and book on momoyo­ga by email or what­sapp

Momoyo­ga is a book­ing and pay­ment system.

Yoga day!


Next to the week­ly yoga­class­es I also give yoga work­shops and XL class­es in Eng­lish. We have more time to move deep­er into the exer­cis­es. The rela­tion­ship between dif­fer­ent move­ments and exer­cis­es become more noticeable.

The next XL class in Delft­st­ede is Sat­ur­day the 18th of Jan­u­ary when we explore the Shoul­der­stand. From 13 to 15hours in Delft, Delftstede.

Are you inter­est­ed? Let me know!

Down­load Work­shop flyer

Work­shops are in Delf­st­ede on a Sat­ur­day after­noon from 13:00 tot 16:30. There is a break with tea and a snack (let me know if you have any dietary requirements).

Each one has a dif­fer­ent theme.

There is also a Yoga and Bel­ly­dance after­noon for women, to explore the effects of yoga and dance. We use the Crit­i­cal Align­ment method to find our pos­ture and relax­ation in the low­er back, hips and bel­ly before prac­tis­ing bellydance.

Book­ing via momoyo­ga or what­sapp or e‑mail.