Critical Alignment Yoga (CAY) is effective for relieving stress, back pain, shoulder — and neck complaints (CANS), headaches, restlessness, fatigue, concentration problems, and other symptoms of chronic stress.
Exercises especially designed according to the Critical Alignment Yoga method target the muscles of the back and spine. Yoga postures are taught with special attention for movement of the spine and back muscles. This yoga method is unique, placing emphasis on relaxation before movement. Genuine relaxation can be experienced ~ by this meditative approach to yoga and movement.
CAY yoga classes encourage you to move your body in a different way to the way you regularly sit and stand, walk or play sports. For example, bending backwards ~ instead of leaning forward towards the computer, allows you to stretch and activate new muscles.
It is good to make opposing movements, especially to counter the effects of tension created by stress and habitual movement; RSI, long hours of sitting or standing, working on the computer, gaming, texting, playing an instrument or sports.
Critical Alignment Yoga is new in Delft. Book a class for: Personal attention for your posture during an individual session in Delft