Lotusounds Yoga Delft

Crit­i­cal Align­ment Yoga for all lev­els in the cen­ter of Delft

‘I remem­ber say­ing to Louise after the first class – “This is it!”’ — Jelena 


‘I feel so much lighter after a class for the low­er back’ — Amy 


‘The most relax­ing yoga class ever. I feel great!’ – Marieke 


‘The key word for me is, soft­ness.’ – Marco 


‘The pain in my back is con­sid­er­ably less.’ – Natascha 


‘You become real­ly aware of your body and ten­sion that is held unno­tice­ably.’ – Marian 


‘I haven’t been adjust­ed by the chi­ro­prac­tor for 6 months now.’ – Ronald 


‘Louise’s online videos are real­ly nice.’ – Chantal 


Critical Alignment Yoga Delft

By using the breath, aware­ness and espe­cial­ly designed tools, align­ment yoga brings relax­ation, strength and flex­i­bil­i­ty to your back. It cre­ates space and light­ness in your pos­ture and instils con­fi­dence in your body.

Group yoga classes in English

Crit­i­cal Align­ment Yoga in Delft. In a pleas­ant stu­dio, in his­tor­i­cal Delft­st­ede in the city cen­tre. Acces­si­ble by bike, tram or car. Mon­day evening, Tues­day morn­ing and Thurs­day evening.


Private sessions in English

A pri­vate ses­sion affords the oppor­tu­ni­ty to focus on your body and high­light strengths, lim­i­ta­tions or areas you want to work on. Going into more depth and learn­ing tar­get­ed exercises…


Company Yoga Delft

Main­tain­ing relax­ation is equal­ly impor­tant dur­ing office hours. Crit­i­cal Align­ment Yoga is an effec­tive form of move­ment and relax­ation to offer in the work­place. Con­tin­ue…

Upcoming yoga classes in Delft

Sign up for a yoga class in Delft by emailwhat­sapp or momoyo­ga.

Critical Alignment Yoga

Relax­es and strength­ens even the small­est mus­cles of your back and spine. This enables you to coor­di­nate strength and relax­ation as you need it.

This form of yoga is help­ful for reliev­ing back pain, shoul­der and neck prob­lems, CANS, rest­less­ness, fatigue, ten­sion and stress.


Read about CAY in the Yoga Magazine!
Critical Alignment Yogahouding - De Hond
Critical Alignment Yoga - Trikonasana
Critical Alignment Yoga - Camel pose
Critical Alignment Yoga - Head stand


Down­load brochure


The yoga stu­dio is in Delft­st­ede on the Phoenixs­traat 66, room nr. 110, in het cen­ter of Delft; for group class­es, work­shops and pri­vate ses­sions. There is (paid) park­ing in the Phoenix- en de Prinsenhofgarage.

Pri­vate ses­sions are also pos­si­ble at oth­er loca­tions or by Zoom. 

Lotu­sounds activ­i­ties are reg­is­tered, COC no. 70973989.

Email Louise
